Ats314 steel vs 440c | An in-depth comparison

Ats-314 vs 440c
Ats-314 steel vs 440c

Still, you can’t find the perfect steel blade for your scissors & shears? Then, let’s introduce the popular Japanese steel Ats-314 & 440c. You may feel confused about choosing between one of them. Therefore, you must know the key differences between Ats-314 and 440c steel.

The key differences between Ats-314 and 440c are hardness, corrosion resistance, and sharpness. Ats-314 is harder steel, so it has better corrosion resistance,  excellent sharp edge, and durability. Whereas 440c has superior toughness, is very easy to sharpen, and requires less maintenance. Besides, 440c is much more affordable than ats-314.

That’s not enough to choose the right steel between both Japanese sheets of steel. Let’s dive into a more detailed comparison throughout the entire article.

Quick comparison chart table

Basis for comparisonAts-314440c
Chemical compoundsCarbon 0.25%; Chromium 23-26%; Nickel 19-22%; Silicon 1.5-3%; Sulfur 0.03%; Manganese 2%; Phosphorus 0.045%.    Carbon 1-1.2%; Iron 78-83.1%; Chromium 16-18%; Silicon 1%; Manganese 1%; Molybdenum 0.8%; Phosphorus 0.04%; Sulfur 0.02%.  
Hardness59-61 HRC  56-59 HRC
Corrosion resistanceExcellentBetter
Edge retentionSuperiorExcellent
Ease of SharpeningEasyHard
MaintenanceRequire more maintenanceRequire less maintenance
Ats-314 vs 440c

Key differences

You’ve already caught the differences between Ats-314 and 440c. Let’s make a turn into the final decision with a detailed comparison

1. Hardness

At first,  hardness is the factor you need to consider while choosing the best steel blade. From these two popular sheets of steel, Ats-314 won the first round in this category.

According to the Rockwell report, the hardness level of Ats-314 is 59-61 HRC. Whereas 440c steel has a hardness of 56-59 HRC.

2. Toughness

The harder steel always shows less toughness.  So, we can declare 440c as a winner in this round.

440c shows comparatively better toughness to resist any chipping or breaking while doing a task than Ats-314.

3. Corrosion resistance

As we know, harder steel provides great corrosion resistance. So, undoubtedly Ats-314 won this round as it shows appreciable corrosion resistance, which 440c can’t compete at all.

The huge difference in corrosion resistance between ats-314 and 440c is for the percentage of carbon and chromium. Ats-314 has a high level of chromium(23-26%), whereas 440c only has 16-18% chromium.

4. Edge retention

Once again, Ats-314 will pick a plus point for its superior edge retention over 440c. 440c also shows decent edge retention, but it can’t compete with Ats-314.

Ats-314 is hard steel and therefore, it holds the sharp edge for longer. That means it doesn’t require frequent sharpening.

5. Ease of sharpening

Ats-314 is hard steel, so it’s more difficult to sharpen than 440c.

440c requires a simple sharpening technique and takes less time to sharpen.

6. Price

There’s no significant difference in the price. But 440c is still much more affordable than ats-314

About Ats-314: Short Overview

Ats-314 is a Japanese steel specially designed for hair shears. Looking at its chemical composition, there’s a high amount of carbon & chromium, which makes it superior to steel than others.

So, this steel is hard enough. However, Ats-314 is popular for its great corrosion resistance,  edge retention & durability.

About 440c: Short Overview

440c is a popular steel used for scissors and shears. This steel has great toughness and corrosion resistance for the perfect percentage of chromium, carbon, iron, manganese & others. 440c steel is more affordable than other steel and also performs effectively!

My opinion (Which I Recommend),

End of the day, the decision is yours! Choose the best steel according to your needs and budget.

If you need the highest quality steel with superior hardness, sharpness, durability & rust resistance, then go with Ats-314 steel. It’s better to spend extra money on quality performance.

If you need average steel performance at a budget-friendly cost, then choose 440c. It’s better for you. So, which one you’ll pick?! Tell me in the comment section. It’s time to say goodbye for this time!

Related topic: 440c Steel vs d2: Which steel should you pick?

My favorite scissors in each category:

Whether you’re feeling tense pick up the right scissor for the steel blade. Let’s hold on! Check two of my best scissors which made my everyday task easier! It’ll help you out.

1. Hitachi ATS-314 haircut shears

Expecting something smooth, sharp, clean edge for cutting hair with? Let’s pick up the Hitachi haircut shears that completely do your job perfectly. The shears are very affordable and serve better quality than expensive brands.

The sharp edge holder makes the cutting job clean and smooth. It’s a little heavy, but there’s no difficulty with it. If you’re very busy making a salon schedule, grab it now!

2. Japanese 440C Stainless Steel Hair Cutting Scissors and Shear with Bag

This Japanese shear provides you with the best company for your hair-cutting task. Make your cut more smooth and more effective with a 440c sharp edge. 

This is very lightweight to work with comfortably.  Try this scissor or shear if you want to be a professional hairstylist.

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